Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fire Engine Red

Well, where has the time gone? Summer you came and left so quickly.   Fall showed up at my door and what's this now.... with Christmas just a month away?
More importantly.... November is here- and a time to give thanks. When asked what they are most thankful for in class, one of my sweet students responds (with the cutest smile and sincerity) "You". Makes my heart beat a little faster and moves me, reminding exactly how much I love my job!  So yes, I am thankful for a wonderful job teaching kindergarten, and I am most thankful for my sweet baby Grace. Tomorrow, this precious little one turns a year old, and I can't quite believe it. With her birthday being just a week away,  I decide she MUST have a tutu... only I waited too late to get the adorable kind from internet sites. So then, I was in the mad search for a birthday tutu for her celebration day. Now the only one that sounded reasonable was FIRE ENGINE RED. I probably should have just went with it... and played up the whole firefighter thing, but NO! It had to be pink! And yes.... I did break down and make it.  Pictures will post soon of Grace sporting her frilly tutu... which she does NOT like. Oh well, maybe I can coax her into it and just get some shots real fast! Anyway, here is the tutu... which I found was extremely easy to make, and not $40 from the store. So, enjoy- and I wish your family the happiest of Thanksgivings.
Do remember to stop and tell some small impressionable person, exactly how thankful you are for your many blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Great job. You better post party pics. LOVE the tutu....tutu cute!
